We want captivating writing. Show us your rhythmic sentences, vivid scenes, and nuanced characters. Give us poems that make us think, stories that make us feel.
There are no limits to creativity. We only ask for your best.
Our response time is anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. If you haven't heard from us after three months, feel free to query our managing editor at kquaney@aum.edu
Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction
We’re looking for well-crafted fiction and creative non-fiction. Please limit your submission to 2,000 words or ten pages, whichever is shorter. We'll consider longer stories on a case-by-case basis.
Send us your best work. Please limit your submission to three poems and submit them as one document.
General Guidelines
- Please submit as Microsoft Word document only.
- We only accept work that has not been published previously.
- Submit one short story, three flash/micro pieces, or three poems at a time. If you already have material under consideration with Thirteen Bridges, please do not submit additional work until you have heard back from us.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
- All accepted submissions will be considered for our debut print journal in spring 2025. Authors published in our print journal will receive a physical copy of that issue, postage paid.
- Authors published online will remain searchable in our archive after the initial run of their submission.
- Thirteen Bridges Review acquires first serial rights, including both print and electronic rights. Copyright remains with the author.
At Thirteen Bridges Review we are looking for beautifully written, character-driven fiction pieces and are open to all forms and styles.
Stories should be readable in one sitting, so we'll consider anything from flash/micro up to about ten pages double spaced.
We are happy to accept simultaneous submissions. Just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Please do not submit previously published work.
Please submit only one short story or up to three flash/micro pieces.
Please submit as Microsoft Word document only.
Accepted submissions will be published on our website as a monthly story feature and will also be considered for publication in our print journal this spring.
We look forward to reading your work.
At Thirteen Bridges Review we are looking for beautifully written, character-driven creative non-fiction pieces and are open to all forms and styles.
Stories should be readable in one sitting, so we'll consider anything from flash/micro up to about ten pages.
We are happy to accept simultaneous submissions, just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Please do not submit previously published work.
Please submit only one short essay or up to three flash/micro pieces.
Please submit as Microsoft Word document only.
Accepted submissions will be published on our website as a monthly story feature and will also be considered for publication in our print journal.
We look forward to reading your work.